Welcome to stevenramey.com. I’m a human born here on planet earth in the year 1986. Despite my best efforts, I've lead a somewhat interesting life. A great deal of the pain and suffering I’ve experienced is down to me trying to be “normal” and failing. And so this website is (mostly) about my journey of self-improvement and self-discovery. If you are here, reading curiously as a fellow human, welcome. I hope you find something you are looking for, that surprises you, something useful, or something that makes you think.
Recently I discovered that I am not "normal." Rather I am neurodivergent - and that’s okay. The way I think is different from how other people think. But by trying to conform how I think, and how I act, to the expectations of society, has done a disservice to both myself and society. In the coming years, now that I know myself better, I am to rectify that disservice. I have a remarkable capacity to look past my own lifetime. And yet still I am remarkably human. To be human is to be flawed, I believe. Much of my work in life has been to improve myself. And yet I am still of course driven by basic needs and desires like thirst, hunger, sex, status, and ego. But I am working on it. Marcus Aurelius said, "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." And as I read in The Obstacle is the Way, as said by Publius Syrus, "Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself." So, now that I have the capacity to rule over myself, I am looking forward to laying the foundation for a "little empire" of my own, controlling what I can control and chasing beauty while still being pragmatic.
This website, and this about me, is not the professional me. And due to the generally secretive and litigious nature of the industry I've worked my whole career in, you will find a relative dearth of technical posts. Because even though things like FPGAs and open onload has been an open secret/industry standard since 2013, you never know when someone will claim you're infringing on their Intellectual Property. If you are curious about the professional me please hit me up on LinkedIn.
If you enjoy my writing please let me know why at ramey dot steven @ protonmail dot com and/or buy me a coffee.